LAKELAND, Florida, Aug. 10, 2020 – MessageLeap, developed by Real Data Consulting, LLC, is a new...
MessageLeap and the Real Estate Industry
Real Data Consulting will be presenting a MessageLeap tech demo for real estate professionals on September 1st, at 9:20 AM, EDT, at the National Settlement Services Summit (NS3). MessageLeap is the perfect solution for helping real estate professionals communicate safely and easily with their clientele.

How to Integrate MessageLeap into Your Business Workflow
MessageLeap’s seamless and secure email-to-text and text-to-email communication is ideal for professionals in all segments of the real estate industry. Real estate brokers, agents, and realtors can quickly share and provide updates on new and existing listings to prospective buyers. Closing and title companies can use texting to schedule contract and deed signings. Reminders and follow-ups on important closing documentation can be automated and sent quickly to the buyer or seller’s phone via text. And last-minute scheduling changes or urgent questions can be answered quickly when sent directly to the relevant party’s phone.

Say Goodbye to Communication and Security Problems
Ever had an urgent issue go unresolved for want of a response to a voicemail or email from a busy, on-the-move buyer or seller? Americans only answered 47% of calls in 2019,[1] and in March 2020, spam accounted for over 50% of email traffic,[2] which causes important emails to be missed. This makes phone and email increasingly ineffective methods for handling time-sensitive issues, such as last-minute schedule changes or important documentation signings. Waiting around for responses wastes time. Additionally, it can cost your company valuable sales deals.
MessagLeap enables you to continue sending emails from your business email account as normal, but instead of languishing in an inbox or junk folder while deadlines pass, they are received immediately on your client’s phone. Text messagess are typically read within three minutes of receipt.[3] Individuals are more likely to have phone notifications turned on for text messages than email, meaning they are aware of the message sooner and reply to it more quickly.
Many real estate agents and closers have already embraced business texting, out of convenience or necessity. However, they are typically forced to text from their personal phones, which presents a security and privacy hazard, or they are required to download a third-party app.
MessageLeap allows clients to send text messages to your business phone number, which are then received in your company’s preferred email application. This keeps all your communications in a single, secure location. It also helps minimize the interruptions to the workflow caused by checking a personal phone or additional app for messages.
Here is a quick recap on what makes MessageLeap an essential tool for businesses in the real estate industry: * Our email-to-text text-to-email solution is easy to implement * It allows you to quickly share and provide updates on new listings * ML enables you to conveniently schedule contract and deed signings * We make it easy to send reminders and follow-ups about important closing documentation * You can efficiently handle urgent matters and last minute changes |
[1] Business Wire, “US Spam Calls Grew 108% in 2019 as Anti-Robocall Bill Moves to Senate for Approval,”,at%20the%20end%20of%202018)
[2] Tatyana Shcherbakova, Tatyana Sidorina, and Tatyana Kulikova, “Spam and phishing in Q1 2020,”
[3] Steve Olenski, “Pulling Back The Curtain On Text Message Mobile Marketing,”