MessageLeap and Automation

Real Data Consulting and MessageLeap are Going to the 2020 FLTA Convention - MessageLeap

Written by messageleap | Sep 18, 2020 6:15:25 PM

Real Data Consulting, the makers of MessageLeap, is excited to announce that we will be attending the Florida Land Title Association’s (FLTA) 2020 convention! FLTA is holding their annual convention Monday, November 9th – Wednesday, November 11th.

The 2020 Florida Land Title Association Convention

FLTA’s mission is to empower members through advocacy and education to protect property rights. They hold an annual convention for land title professionals1. This year’s virtual summit will include education, networking, and tech demo events, as well as a keynote address by Dr. Bryan K. Williams. Additional information is available on their website. We look forward to seeing you at Real Data Consulting’s MessageLeap booth!

Can’t wait until November?

Contact us today by clicking the button below to schedule a one-on-one, MessageLeap demo!