Title companies play a pivotal role in real estate transactions, ensuring that property ownership...
What are the benefits of texting professionally?
Customer service experience can be the leading edge that puts your company ahead of the competition. Convenience and ease of communication helps consumers feel that your company values their time, and one of the simplest ways to create a good customer service experience for your clients is by communicating the way your customers do: text messaging.
Texting is the Preferred Method of Communication for Many
According to a Gallup News poll, “texting is the most frequently used form of communication among Americans younger than 50,”[1] and Pew Research shows that texting is the most widely-used basic feature on smartphones used by 97% of smartphone owners across all age groups.[2] 75% of Millennials view text messages as helpful, unobtrusive ways of receiving information, reminders, and promotional materials.[3] And a survey of 6,000 consumers showed that 89% of customers want to be able to communicate with businesses via text.[4] But texting isn’t only convenient for consumers…
No more phone tag – text messages are typically read within 3 to 5 minutes.
Texting offers quick resolution to time-sensitive issues.
Texting can boost sales due to ease of contact and quicker response times.
Embracing Efficiency
Texting can also help increase your company’s own internal efficiency and boost sales. Tired of putting the workflow on pause while waiting for voicemail and email responses? Texting helps to avoid playing phone tag with consumers who are increasingly reluctant to answer the phone, and studies show text messages are typically read within 3 to 5 minutes of receipt, unlike emails which often go unseen in a sea of spam content.[5] Texting allows quick resolution to time-sensitive issues, such as last-minute schedule changes and cancellations, saving valuable time that would have been wasted waiting for no-shows. And convenience for the customer can mean increased sales for your company: the majority of your website hits will likely be from a mobile, text-enabled device,[6] and 50% of consumers end up buying from the company that responds to their inquiry first.[7]
Our service provides seamless and secure email-to-text and text-to-email communication.
How MessageLeap Can Help
MessageLeap can help you further optimize your workflow by empowering you to easily send and receive text messages from your email with no need to install any additional apps or devices. Our service provides seamless and secure email-to-text and text-to-email communication. Being able to text directly from your company’s business emails allows the client-company exchange to be all in one place, rather than spread across multiple devices or employees’ personal phones. We can help you set up keyword triggers to send automated or template replies to frequently-asked questions, as well as automate repetitive tasks, such as sending appointment reminders. We make the business texting process easy, convenient, and efficient for both you and your client.
[1] Frank Newport, “The New Era of Communication Among Americans,” https://news.gallup.com/poll/179288/new-era-communication-americans.aspx
[2] Aaron Smith, “U.S. Smartphone Use in 2015,” https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2015/04/01/us-smartphone-use-in-2015/
[3] Open Market, “Why millennials still love text,” https://www.openmarket.com/resources/millennials-still-love-text/
[4] Sophie Asher, “How Consumers Use Messaging Today,” https://www.twilio.com/learn/commerce-communications/how-consumers-use-messaging
[5] Kenneth Burke “107 Texting Statistics That Answer All Your Questions,” https://www.textrequest.com/blog/texting-statistics-answer-questions/
[6] Greg Sterling, “Report: Nearly 60 percent of searches now from mobile devices,” https://searchengineland.com/report-nearly-60-percent-searches-now-mobile-devices-255025
[7] Xant, Inc. https://www.xant.ai/resources/2014-lead-response-report/